Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

seasons of love is the only good thing from rent

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also, the whole problem of people adapting classic pieces of literature and ruining them, like how La Boheme was ruined by Re- do you see the pattern here?

no it isn’t
because Seasons of Love is garbage

yeah i fucking said it
i don’t like Seasons of Love

good piano intros just make me go :weary::ok_hand:

the piano is fine
unfortunately, Seasons of Love has vocals


Les Mis is fine, I guess. A bit too saccharine in its’ composition for me, but fine. It’s just it’s had a bad influence upon musicals in general.

wicked is the best musical. y’all can fight me. followed closely by waitress

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Waitress simply for the amazing sara bareilles soundtrack

i’ve been away from the forums to make it look like i was sleeping but in reality i never slept

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How do people feel about the death penalty

Ye or Ne



also love wicked

hamilton is great ofc
but i loved wicked



Musicals bad.

I regret nothing.


Marshal is a horse not a cowboy wow

Because of this quarantine I’ve only been able to eat Vanilla Ice Cream and it sucks.