Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

and I did delete that acc

mostly because my parents found it and I did not want them to have access even though i posted nothing bad there

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i have 70 alternative accounts


I know kat’s reddit but i literally do not care to check it


Wingstop is worst than me LMFAOOO

however i was very passionate about survivor

(my winner picks got #2 3/ last 4 seasons)


theres not much to find on it

I probably know your twitter too but

Imagine using twitter lol

my twitter is me fucking with my friends, retweeting shit i find funny, and depressing tweets

Wait thats me in cookie thread

Replace tweets with quotes

I also know xblade’s reddit :upside_down_face:

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damn how did you find that


im bad at detecting sarcasm

is that sarcasm


Oh fuck

if you’re not sure if katze is being sarcastic

katze is probably being sarcastic

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try to find my reddit account cowards

answer: you don’t have one

i found a reddit account that probably is owned by you

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