Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i think you were imitating me and i still dont know wtf that means

why do you think you’re the victim of all of my jokes

am i wrong


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Aroot hasn’t said story yet :frowning:

big news: BotF III probably coming soon

tan said that she would not permit arete to co-host with her this time b/c she wants them to have the opportunity to play in this one

i suppose ici / simon might have the experience to co-host but im not sure if they have the time and im def probs the 3rd most experienced clocktower-er on this forum after tan / arete so chances are i’ll be co-hosting it with tan

here’s the character list. let me know if you have any questions
oh yeah, and also travelers will be banned lol

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so i sandbagged BOTF4 for nothing?


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That is 100% true, but not my reddit.

if she permitted deviant i would probably cause unspeakable chaos anyways

you mean i would?

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italy was such a chaotic deviant that the town actually decided to stop trying to catch a demonic mass murderer and call it a draw

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you were somewhat chaotic lol
Derps claimed demon ten times in a row to you via whisper but you never revealed any of that publicly b/c it’s in his nature to FPS to the moon regardless of alignment

And then you yeeted yourself out the game

i did

i just didnt care that much

i was mostly playing that game waiting to get exiled so i could yeet myself out because i had a huge wave of lack-of-motivation around D2

on D3 i memed out of spite for some reason

a lot of the appeal to me in that setup was lost when priestess replaced out, unfortunately

and the game wasn’t really that lively because it was in the middle of other ongoing games

you do know that you could have yeeted yourself out at any time before getting exiled

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i typed out my yeet message like 4 times but kept trying to force motivation out of myself because i wanted to play FM and was dead in every other game i was in (iirc)

lesson learned: don’t try to force yourself to play a setup you aren’t enjoying, especially when you have the power to yeet yourself out

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I still haven’t read that game either, because like you said it happened in the middle of another match. I surely hope that you memed well before leaving.

eh, not really

if you’re looking for good katze memes you won’t find that many there

They were very sad that they received an alignment of good.
They probably would have memed much better had their alignment been evil.

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Which one of your memes would you call ‘good’, then? The game where you tricked Tan does not count.