Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

so in elementary school i remember there was a magnet program you could test for every year once you got into the gifted program, but it was hellishly hard to get into

i got into the gifted program in like 2nd grade by doing well on the CogAt test once.

For the magnet program, I remember there was this other cognative exam that was like the CogAt test on steroids. It had all manner of stuff including solving really weird shape puzzles and other things that are hard for me to remember. Well I sucked at that other test and bombed it over and over again every year

I did learn how to play ERS when I was 9 b/c of the gifted program tho. It was also just a chill class with cool ppl back then. but boy was that other test that i don’t remember very well now a bitch

yes I did just wake up

I’d tell a smol Jane story but I don’t think I have any (this depends on what people consider the upper age limit for being smol).
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my school didn’t have any gifted classes so I cannot relate

hmm what else was there

In 6th grade there was some huge ancient egypt project which took up basically the entire year of social science. I do not remember very much about it though

basically it was me and my best friend against everyone else
and i’ll be honest, I miss that experience of having somebody who I could trust and be the only person I considered an equal


I still actually know him and he still goes to the same school together, it’s just… you know, growing up, a humourously dumb argument about German pronounciation, and now we’re not best friends any more. Still friends though, i guess.

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Oh yeah
From when I could walk to black friday when I was 4 (this was like 2 or 3 years in a row), my dad had me wake up absurdly early to go buy stuff with him at KB toys on Black Friday until they went bankrupt in January 2004

i still fucking miss boarders
it’s a travesty that they no longer exist but B&N still does

god most of my stories are basically either really sad stories about being bullied or me taking overly subtle revenge



I remember those shaped rubber band things came to my elementary school and people were warring over them
i never took part in that though

look even if my class bullied me they still respected me since compared to a bunch of primary school students I was a mega-genius mastermind

oh yeah
they always made sure my sister and i were never in any of the same classes
we could never stop verbally fighting
couldn’t then, and can’t now either

thats how i was in junior/senior year

i was bullied and then i was respected :eyes:

not for being a mastermind tho

for other reasons

also, because of all my Various Problems™ when I was younger, I actually had significantly better skills at swimming than most people around me, but I was nonetheless a bad swimmer because, you know, Various Problems™.



her voice is really annoyingly shrill to me
and her claps are deafeningly sharp

This is relevant because the most popular kind of birthday party there was was going to the local swimming pool and booking all the swimming toys. All of them.

The tradition, of course, was that we bought a fuckton of swim noodles and rafts so we could participate in Raft Wars™, of which I was the brave pirate captain.