Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

jumpscares have never once failed to get me

oh hereditary has no jump scares
it’s much, much worse


im just going to never watch that thank you very much

I am going to watch the trailer though

turn the lights on
the trailer is also pretty scary fyi

i haven’t either and i never will watch that or any other horror movies
I watched a disney movie in 2nd grade from the 70’s called “The Black Hole”
that gave me nightmares for two months and made me decide i would never be physically capable of handling horror movies

no fucking thanks
watched that trailer and ehfhchhchhhhhh

Ignore me
Event Horizon is actually the most terrifying ever
But Hereditary takes a close second
And nothing else will or could ever compare

the 10th episode of doctor who gave me nightmares. Legit hard to watch, and it’s not even trying to be that scary
i can definitely not handle horror movies

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oh yeah, fun fact:
today was the 50th anniversary of my uncle’s bar mitzvah

thank you for sharing with the class

no prob

holy fuck
nexpo was playing the entirety of local 58’s real sleep during his video
i had to close it
choosing to watch that in complete darkness was a mistake

note to self:
never watch nexpo in complete darkness

“there are no faces”

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you were right @Marshal
im a dumbass


just this conversation topic alone has made me turn on my lamp and desk light as well as the normal light in my room

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imagine being scared by movies



I legit tremble at weird shadows
im not a naturally timid person but I have really bad paranoia especially at night

Okay guess i’m not playing then