Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Pineapple bbq chicken pizza is so good

Especially with thin crunchy crust

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why yall over here putting toppings on a perfectly good pizza

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you eat only cheese pizza? :eyes:

If I have the choice, I always eat Pizza Hawaii, or Hawaii Toast, since almost 20 years
I have no idea why and where this is a meme
I like the sharp pain from the fruit acid, like I also love to eat raw onions.

Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812’s title is false advertising

it sounds like it’s about a comet but instead half of it is just miscellaneous nobility cheating on each other and having Standard Romance Plots

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yeah but i bet you still loved the book, you nerd

I haven’t read the book

yes, I am aware of which book it is

i totally said that assuming you were taking about a book

it’s a musical

well you still liked it i bet

on an unrelated note

why is eating ice a thing and why am i doing it this past week

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hey I do actually like that musical!

i mean, the point is that the romance is bullshit and pointless because it’s a story about the depravity of the Russian nobility

oh yeah also it’s really damned catchy

Dont eyes me for that reeee

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plain pizza, yes.

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Not even sauce?

Its not technically a pizza without some kind of sauce, but sometimes i eat white pizza, aka pizza with a sauce thats not tomato based, yes


pizza bread 4head

thats pizza bread, not pizza. two distinct foods

If you get two slices of pizza bread, does that make pizza sandwich?