Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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:eyes: :eyes:

Lots of :eyes:

Someone’s about to get shot

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Mafia is super unknown in my country lul. We only know Werwolves, as pure party game with no serious factors

They are the same thing but with different flavor


Honestly irl mafia with loads of roles is just kinda meh. I’d rather have less roles like werewolf usually has.

imagine playing mafia when you can play trouble in terrorist town :sunglasses:

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Werewolf is still well known. I mean you can call someone village or wolf and people well versed in Mafia talk will know what you mean.

TTT is a sick game tbf

we should have a forum TTT game some time

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Not to mention Secret Hitler.

i think theres even a roblox version

Or Mord in Palermo
Uh… No idea whats the english version

You can have lots of roles or almost no prs just as easily with either…

honestly this sounds hella fun

no traitor testers tho

Werewolf typically is less shit going on im p sure

i dont think traitor testers being OP would be a problem there’d deffo be mass rdm and people meming the entire time knowing us

why play TTT when you can play trouble in MineVille


what a gamer