Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


listening to music usually doesn’t disrupt my eyesight :eyes:

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what server

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the hive

ive never heard of this server

:eyes: but okay gamer

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i’ve been on since like… 2014

It’s not about having disrupted eyesight. It’s more to do with being distracted.

the servers i used to play on are dead for the most part

my little brother plays on hypixel sometimes and one other server i can’t remember on the top of my head

okay fair

i can get distracted by music pretty easily :eyes:

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Imagine paying for Spotify rather than owning music

why not both

I can imagine paying for Spotify. Unless you’re a musician, you probably don’t have your own music.

by owning he means like purchasing it

like i have some shit on vinyl i never play as my music listening sessions are like at 10 PM and i don’t wanna annoy people in the house

i still have an ass-ton of CDs that i play in my old fuckin car

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That makes sense.

i played 1 game of TMV

i forgot how to minecraft pvp but i think i did okay getting 4 kills :eyes:

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was marshal69 in the game

i wanna play games but like
dont want to as well

unless you died super early, no

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oh nah i didn’t


wish i coulda tmved with u :frowning:

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