Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

its when someone tries to compliment you to try to get you interested romantically


it’d be pretty ami-zing if you went on a date with me :flushed:



Yeah but to claim that ears are more important because there’s a lot of them is very misleading

shut the chloe up

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in fact, its more accurate to say that one ear is less important than one mouth, as you need two ears, but only get one mouth.

although as a pair id say 2 ears is roughly equal to 1 mouth in necessary-ness

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Yeah I guess.

Oh hey Italy. Can’t say a word about any game I may or may not be playing with anyone here.

It would be. My class card is [REDACTED].

what do you think kat’s gender is :eyes:

i’m leaning dude

but kat did slip as not dudee

arete dont ask for the context

its nsfw

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isn’t your name Richard

like not to make assumptions but most people who go by the name Richard are guys

I kinda assumed it was a last name.

i too, was once a user of the c[lastname] username

its not really smart when you ask people to call you chloe and your username is c[lastname]

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ur last name is hloe confirmed

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you were never chloe [lastname]

you were carol hloe all along

love you arshal

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thats chleb hloe for you

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