Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

First, sit up

Tell me when you completed this part

ten minutes later

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Okay I think i did it

Now what

Okay next
Wiggle your body to the edge of your bed
tell me when you did that


Do i lay back down now


Outside cold

no like


Put one foot on the outside of your bed
Tell me when you done that

its going to be 93 today

While laying down

its going to be 60 today

that is considered very nice out

Okay i have begun the hokey pokey

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Now put your other foot on the outside of the bed, while having your main body still on the bed

Okay so like

Core strength


Next, roll out of the bed

Oh you dont mean pointing straight out


Preferably injuring yourself in the processs

I do

Alright imma fall on my laptop here goes

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No humans were injured in this process
Thats a win in my books
Thanks fk