Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Coffee icecream? The hell?

I’ve heard of toffee icecream
But coffee? What kind of mad witchcraft is this?

okay stop making me like you more

who needs real coffee when you can have coffee ice cream


its GOOD

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If you can think of a flavor it probably exists

Let the Bots reign


normal icecream

yeah but we make that into a pill and it’s healthy

what the fuck is wrong with you all

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take your froyo far away from me

the best part about food is the flavor

fuck health


Imagine not having really weird tastes

Cannot relate :sunglasses:

why would you want to eat all your food in pill form

no crunch no painful cold teeth

Share your weird tastes with us Amelia, so that you may be judged.

That’s why we make it flavorful

But that’s why I drink my coffee

if you put your food in pill form you cant enjoy potato chips anymore

wtf is the point of that

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Irn Bru Ice Cream exists
It’s actually really popular

who said that you can’t eat potato chips?