Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

or a nice juicy burger hhnnnnnnnggg

Despite being part Italian I hate pasta :eyes:

do you hate pasta or the sauce

Funny enough if food pills were made I could expect regular food prices to jump


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Pasta is sin.
Spaghetti should be eradicated from the face of the planet.

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I am going to make ravioli

we cant be friends anymore

ans and i formed the anti-sghetti club

join us

Less people buying regular food->People stop producing as much food->Demand rises due to the lack of food->Prices rise

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Real food would probably become luxury for the rich.

iamleavingnow my disappointment in you both is immeasurable

But is your day ruined?

No because I have r avioli to make it better

i just dont like spaghetti sauce

alfredo n shit is yummy

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I think it would depend on the food

But no you can’t take away my chocolate :eyes:

ok you aren’t completely lost

Preferably not dark chocolate because who eats that anyway :sunglasses:

Eh, I can’t see it being that far. I just see a rise in prices, not that much of a rise though. There will still be food factories, and as such it wouldnt be that hard to produce. It would just be less profitable, so some people would close their factories, while others would keep them and raise the prices.

also meal pills are

completely dumb
it’d be impossible to meet a healthy calorie intake off of pills

you would have to down hundreds… or thousands… for one meal

fuck that
gimme a burger

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