Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I bet you are underestimating yourself like always.

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I’m pretty sure ruling things requires you to “interact” with “other people,” though

you are a wise and fair ruler wym

what if the punisher openclaims

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They can kill themselves

Just make it modkillable lmao

exact opposite of what you want to do when hosting a game ^

i need to get rid of marina badly to work on learning all the emoticons – she’s in boxes today but i’d be sad if she didn’t find a new home

anyone want her?
@DatBird / @Amelia / @Marshal / anyone else that owns ACNH

That’s like putting a bandaid on a poisonous snake bite.



that was flavor claiming. A bit different, especially in a closed game. Claiming abilities in that closed game was not mod killable in that game, but claiming flavor was as there were only so many characters and they were AI.

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ok then

As with fol they are one in the same as the name indictates the ability

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(same thing with our upcoming game btw)
(hope we don’t have to modkill a bunch of ppl for that)

huniepop smalltown doe

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Also there’s nothing stopping you from hosting a game where you modkill people for claiming. However, you have to ask yourself why you would modkill people for claiming.

If the answer to that question is that your setup is broken if people claim, then I think the problem is the setup. You can make a setup that isn’t broken by claiming, however by modkilling people who claim you introduce a lot of problems.

One of the major problems, is mechanical fuckery. Suppose you put a role in the game that frames people, and a cop checks the framed person. The cop isn’t allowed to claim, so they spend all their time that day trying to tunnel the person they got a red check. After the guy is lynched, it looks really bad for the cop, however they cannot explain why they lynched the person and have to make up reasons for why they thought that guy was scum. In that scenario, you are forcing town to lie which is something you never want to force onto town in your game.

If the answer to the question is that you do not want people to claim, however the setup isn’t broken, then there are better ways to change how people play in a game then modkilling them.


Modkilling also shouldn’t be used as a host to exert your will onto the players. It should always be used as a last resort in a game.


the problem is when flavour is 100% AI ande at least a dozen characters will obviously be in the game, then talk about it needs to be avoided at all costs

u could give fake claims?