Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

this was the hydra game

she had replaced out by D2

i know, but she replaced out of that for what i assume are personal reasons, so im making fun of her for things she’s done in other games

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I replaced out at the end of D1 :eyes:

Holy shit thats a dilated pupil

You on LSD?

they were thinking about anstreim



it’s from senior year of high school

I didn’t know Ans in senior year of high school



I swear we were yelling at you D2

/modkill katze

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thats what you want us to think


I think you were yelling at me without knowing I replaced out :eyes:

i am modkill immune

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/judgekill katze

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I thought she replaced because stress

is my memory just really bad and my mind is making up for that by filling in the blanks

you’re not a judge, just a donator :^) same color as marshal

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I was going to say that I wish I knew Ans in senior year of high school but I’m pretty sure I was even more annoying at 17 than I am now so probably he wouldn’t have wanted to be friends with me :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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But i have a Custom Judge Title :tm:

i don’t think she ever said why

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I think you misspelled something here

they just forgot the “with benefits” part

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