Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Can we not do this.

is it runescape?

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exactly 1 people will get this joke

It is a thing and will not be removed

its okay ive fixed everything

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I need someone to appreciate my pun

u all suk

I got the Fe-male pun


Why the fuck does ans like THIS AND NOT THE ACTUAL DAMN JOKE

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i reacted to the joke with a joke that made sense to one person

fe btw

maybe you should buy a pun to shoot people who don’t understand

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The only good thing about this is the night ability because voluntary conversion to Cult is something that I need in my life.

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Because you don’t deserve my likes, plain and simple.


Because Cult is the best faction.

Someone: makes a joke

Arete: comments that they understood the joke
Ans: likelikelikelike

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too bad FoL cult sucks



You would think that


the worst faction if you can choose to not be converted

Just add Cult Points back.
Except make them not suck.

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just propose a cult rework
