Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Scratch that

I definitely have

but why does it not have a wincon to get me exed

Don’t underestimate the Town of Salem Role Ideas subforum

Is it bad that I want to go and dig through that now.

Links or it didn’t happen

Earth:You cannot be lynched

this is my way of saying ‘I want to see the trainwreck’

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why is the forum color for litten, torracat, and incineroar all shitty shades of blue

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because that’s me!

The Angel

Neutral Special
Neuts In (Passive): You cannot die by any means except the lynch. You are immune to conversion.
Innocent Neutral (Day): Reveal yourself as The Angel.
Check (Night): Determine target player’s alignment, bypassing tailoring and framing effects. If they are scum, you will kill them.
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon.

hey guys, I’ve noticed a trend lately of people being neuts out, so I made a neutral that can side BD to encourage people to be nicer to neuts! what do you think of it?



That’s not blue

This is actually the funny part



@Arete literally the second neutral I found is worse

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Not only this kills scum, it also killed my eyes.



Neutral Cat
Lit (Passive): You are literally on fire, oh god oh fuck. You compulsively use a night ability each night. You keep this passive upon evolution.
Like (Passive): As a kitten you also have 9 lives, keep this passive upon evolution.
Litten (Day): Meow loudly. This does nothing. (no uses)
Level 17 (Night): Evolve into Torracat. You are occupation immune tonight. (1 use)
You cannot win in this form.


Neutral Cat
Meow (Day): Meow, slightly less loudly this time. This still does nothing. (no uses)
Level 34 (Night): Evolve into Incineroar. You are occupation immune tonight. (1 use)
You still can’t win in this form lol


Neutral Cat
Why did I waste my time making these (Passive): You must die
Invitation to smash (Night): Leave the game to play some Ultimate. You are unable to be protected or occupied tonight.
Die before you become a bottom tier smasher

this was a waste of time

i just wanted to make the lit like litten joke and decided “what if it evolved lol”

This is from Saturday

you may want to reword that