Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh yeah
i spent $350 on a competent classical and a competent jazz mouthpiece to use for MB season
probs never going to touch my sax again ):

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oh shit wait there was an even crazier song i played first semester of college, one sec

It’s a mix of Beethoven’s 9th (Ode to Joy) and A Short Ride in a Fast Machine

i think i might die of happiness

i’d forgotten these songs existed




you’re a dork

also this songs better :sunglasses:


I play alto as well (among other things) - but that’s my 2nd favorite sax under tenor

i don’t know how to play any other instrument – i once could play clarinet but switched off after 6th grade so lol

I attended three different high schools – none of them had a football team
my only MB experience before last fall was understudying the HS MB team in 8th grade

Oh yeah
my junior high had an extremely lucrative travel jazz band which i of course, failed to get into

young katsay was a percussionist

i was kind of the JOAT for lack of better words

i knew how to play most of instruments? but i wasn’t the best at any of them compared to the other percussionists

JOAT makes it sound like i was cool but i was lazy so i just told the other kids to play what they wanted for each song

which was dumb in hindsight cause i coulda just said “im playing the drums” and never learned how to play the xylophone

and then band became too much commitment so i dipped :sunglasses:

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alto chair 1 from there is now at MIT, somehow
although i haven’t spoken to him in like 6 years

man one time i heard this song that seemed to swap between 7/8 and 8/8 a lot

i would have died

i quite literally went to my high school for the marching/concert band program
i dont think i would have survived high school without band

it was weird
but im a choir person so thats the extension of my knowledge of music notation stuff basically

what song?

i dont even know

it was either alternating between 7/8 and 8/8 or it was just consistently 15/16 and just weird spacing

I never really had a choice in the matter
it was basically a certainty that i never was going to have the opportunity to attend any high school that had a football team

Freshman year i had a cool jazz band class and track
Sophomore and junior year i had a wonderful concert band program
And senior year i just had a fuckton of dual enrollment because lol my senior high school had no extracurriculars at all whatsoever, that’s hood schools for ya