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I played clarinet from fourth grade to partway through high school

I learned all the things along the lines of ‘this is how to play [insert note]’/etc. really quickly and then they were like ‘okay now if you want to be good you need to learn how to play songs with emotion’ and I was like ‘??how??’ and they were like ‘just put emotion into it’ and that did not work super well

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wait but 7/8 + 8/8 is 1.875

how did you get 15/16 :eyes:

imagine choosing what high school you go to

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literally the only song i’ve ever heard in 15/16 is like, a tiny section from Notes in Phantom of the Opera

2 measures of 15/16 with weird pacing = 1 measure of 7/8 and 1 measure of 8/8

as in, a 7/8 (14/16) measure, and then that same measure, except it bleeds 1/16 into the previous measure, for a total of 2 extra 1/16ths as of the end of the second measure to make up what seems like 1/8 extra note

well its just how the math would have to work out

i feel like you understood the joke but deliberately said this anyway

i knew it was a joke, but didnt really understand it, and said it anyway

as it doubled as an explanation for how that theory of it would work out

most composers would do 7/8 and 8/8 separately because fuck that

the more notes you have in a bar, the fuckier it gets

yeah. like i said either 7/8 and 8/8 or 15/16 and really weird pacing.
like super weird man

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and nobody can read past like, 8 notes in a bar (minus 16th/32nds) - because people are dumb

it just threw me for a loop hearing it.

ooh ooh anyone have banger video game music tracks? i have a few one particular one in mind and dont want to seem weird

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Money by Pink Floyd is my favorite 7/8 song
this one is actually great too. like it jams

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(p.s. it was composed by one of/the composer for Celeste, Lena Raine)