Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i simultaneously hate and respect it


i have to turn everyone’s mental image of me into a plague doctor

kat finally got sidepics of my cat, like we all know they secretly wanted

i accept all cat pictures

rip topics like this soon

we met the patreon goal for this month

as for further months… :eyes:

Quiet cookie zzzz


cookie prolly gonn get snagged while im asleep

your fault for not waking up at fucking midnight

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ah yes

naturally, we should wake up at midnight

i think there’s just something wrong with me
i only get tired normally if i wake up in the middle of the night and go to sleep at 3 PM

have you tried sleep


y’all ever just need a bigass hug?

hugs good



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sister i will give you a bear hug

but in exchange you have to hug me back and not pull my hair okay?


I find genetics an interesting subject. Findings from the Human Genome Project which stand out.
The Y - Chromosome is the same in all males and can be traced back to one man who lived over 4000 years ago.
Humanity went through a genetic bottleneck over 4000 years ago as well. The founding population is calculated to be 8 people in total.
Oddly enough, the chinese pictogram for ship has the radical for eight. Coincidence? I think not.
There are 4 mitochondrial DNA lineages again dating over 4000 years ago. Mitochondrial DNA is passed through the generations from mother to child.

Chinese Boat picture.

See for yourself.

Noah was a real living person and everyone who is alive now is descended from him.

counterpoint: the number 8 is a significant number in China, as it is in many countries, and China was a major naval power

so yes
it’s a coincidence