Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

the myth of noah’s ark has a very strong mythological genealogy that can be traced back to far before 4,000 years ago, so the timing of the events don’t match up

I am 99% sure they are joking

i prefer not to let people post conspiracy-theory style nonsense unchallenged


Why would the Chinese randomly choose 8 as a good number?
Ici you also said that 8 is a good number in many countries. How likely is it that many countries would randomly choose eight as a good number?
Interesting enough, every nation has a story of a Great Flood wiping out most of humanity save a few. Is that something likely to be made up?

so what?
are you going to argue that the number 4 is actually deathly unlucky because the Japanese and the Chinese agree it is?

it can be traced back to Atra-Hasis

The only scenario that makes sense concerning why every nation has a flood story is that everyone was descended from the survivors on the Ark and as the generations lived and died, the details of what they remembered changed over time. This is what we should see if it were a real event.

That’s false for a number of reasons.

The myth stems from the Mesopotanian valley, and spread exponentially from there through the fact that every culture, which were in general all river cultures at that time, was afraid of flooding. The fact that we’re all afraid of nuclear armageddon doesn’t mean that a nuclear armageddon actually happened- rather, the Flood Myth is an expression of fear that the rivers that give life will destroy us.


The earliest accounts we have are the Atra-Hasis, which was written in the 17th century BCE, but the text of the Atra-Hasis implies that the flood took place long loooong before then. In addition, all archeological evidence contradicts the idea of a massive flood having happened.

Like, the idea that a massive flood happened is downright absurd on many levels, and common fears amongst early human civilisations does not prove that the flood story magically acctually happened. What is far more likely is that civilisations would independently come up with flood myths, which slowly got balled up into each other until they culminate in the latest one, the myth of Noah’s Ark.


there is so much wrong with what you’ve just said on a scientific level and as somebody who has a taste for anthropology I cannot allow you to spread lies because you think they’re really interesting and prove that what you read in The God Cycle Part 1: Master Of Chaos, the epic prequel to The Beast With Three Souls, the most popular book of all time actually happened despite all archeological and antropological evidence proving that a great flood is impossible

Yet the Bible version of the Great Flood should have traces of being derived from another flood myth. Thing is the Bible version has the Ark designed to be 6 times longer than it’s width. Which by the way is the ratio calculated to make the ship most stable. Other versions have the boat as a square which isn’t as stable as an ark designed 6 times longer than it’s width.

[incoherent keysmash]

wow what a fucking surprise
they read the myth and changed it to make more sense
i’ve definitely never done that in my retellings of Greek mythology

Oh and the scientists on the Human Genome Project acknowledge that everyone born today is descended from 1 couple. They get called Y-Chromosome Adam and X-Chromosome Eve. That sounds like an admission they know the Bible is true.

those are fucking nicknames

Yeah and they happen to coincidentally be the names of the first humans on Earth? Nah can’t be a coincidence.

literally the fucking wikipedia article says you’re wrong

they’re nicknames because everybody has read the bible