Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

The fact that the common ancestors would be named after the western conception of the “original couple” (ignoring Lillith but whatever) is simply inevitable, because of course in our cultural conception of the original couple we would compare it to Genesis.

it’s not even a coincidence

The very same Bible that the critics try to find holes in, yet they never have and never will find anything wrong with it.

oh my fucking god
you’re a christian
you poor fool

something something rule 3 something something

I’m not shutting down this conversation but please keep it a conversation that I don’t need to shut down


look, let’s just stick to the facts here
all evidence suggests that Noah’s Ark is a completely bullshit story

So you’ll have me believe that the universe just happened to randomly be hospitable for life?

Don’t worry about me Arete. I’ll be fine.

not randomly

also, anthropic principle

Shall I talk about how finely tuned the universe is for life?

The Anthropic Principle basically invalidates what you think. And also, the universe isn’t tuned for us. We’re tuned for the universe.

I’ll bite then.
Ratio of Elections:Protons 1:10^37
Ratio of Electromagnetic Force:Gravity 1:10^40
Expansion Rate of the Universe 1:10^55
Mass Density of the Universe 1:10^59
Cosmological Constant 1:10^120

All that proves is that life wouldn’t exist in its’ current form.

Yet all it takes is a tiny-deviation of any of those parameters and we wouldn’t be here to talk about them.

You’re being awfully presumptive that life is by neccecity based on Carbon and DNA, aren’t you?

If the settings were different, sure, we wouldn’t be discussing it, but it’s very possible someone would.

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Carbon is the only element that is able to form the chemical bonds necessary for life to function.
There is a reason why life is carbon based. Only carbon is up to the job of supporting life.

Life in the form that exists on earth, sure, but if the settings of the universe are different then a different element, a different complex acid, or an entirely different form of life could and would develop. The principle of evolution demands it.

The laws of physics apply the same throughout the universe as they do on Earth. So all life outside Earth if there is any has to be carbon based. That’s the way it works.

Not neccecarily.