Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

On the simplest fucking level the universe is infinite, and DNA is an extremely complex molecule. You’re being awfully presumptive that there isn’t another kind of life that exists that we haven’t discovered because it operates on a completely seperate level.

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I’m still waiting to hear about how life doesn’t need to be carbon based. Yet that’s the way it is.

Life is a self-replicated pattern and that’s it. The pattern will always adapt, and a pattern that self-replicates will always be formed, eventually.

You’re presuming that life has to be this way because the Jesus Pamphlet told you to, and then you’re trying to use the fact that life has to be this way to prove things you’re believing because the Bible told you to. It’s a circular argument.

Ah DNA interesting you mention it Ici. It looks like a programming language with code telling cells what to do. For a programming language to exist and work, you need a programmer.

oh for fuck’s sake

you’re really going to have to make me bust out my copy of the Blind Watchmaker?


I’m sorry did I hit a nerve?

i’ve just had to argue against the argument from design so often
it’s extremely tiring

Well if I saw a watch lying on the ground, I’d be saying someone made it. Simply because anything which is designed must therefore have a designer.

the existence of a badly made watch proves the existence of a blind watchmaker

Well how so? All instances of design require a designer. I’ve never heard of a designer who does it randomly. It would have been made with purpose and deliberation. Well not so much in the case of a badly made watch, yet still unmistakably designed.

You’re being awfully presumptive that evoluton is a random process.

Well I don’t think evolution as Darwin described it has ever been observed to happen.

he said, apparently somehow surprised that a process that takes millions of years hasn’t magically happened yet.

Evolution, as a process, is simply a logical result of how DNA functions. The early stages of mutation were undoubtedly random, but once we got to bacteria and simple organisms that simply blindly replicate themselves complex life was completely inevitable.

Isn’t that a little too convenient Ici? That evolution is supposed to take place in time spans so long no one can ever observe it happening?

No, not really, because that’s just how genetics works.

You could argue that back when Darwin wrote The Origin of Species, but with modern genetic knowledge it’s impossible to argue otherwise.

When people ask where is the proof evolution has happened, the evolutionists simply say it takes place over millions of years. Except we don’t live anywhere near that long. That’s simply too convenient an explanation.