Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It’s also the scientifically correct explanation that has evidence behind it.

Since when have mutations led an increase in genetic information?

They usually don’t. But sometimes they do.

See I’ve read up what the story of Darwinian evolution is. It would have me believe that bacteria which are far smaller and more complex than humans somehow had their genetic information increased by mutations so that humans are descended from the supposed first living organism.

IIRC most mutations are either neutral or harmful, “positive” mutations are rare

just, actively harmful mutations get selected against for obvious reasons

(in theory I could be misremembering)

You have to understand that evolution is incredibly gradual. Originally, it was just slight adjustments to the weight of your flegellar motor, making you faster or slower, and the faster bacteria lived becausse they gained more food than everyone else. Evolution gets slower the more complex the organism is.


Yet do we see this in the fossil record? Nope, we see dogs begetting dogs and cats begetting cats. Every species is shown to propagate their own species, never another different species.

Do you seriously think that speciation works like that?

That’s what the fossil record shows.


no it doesn’t

Every species after its kind. There has never been any exceptions to that.

now I’m vaguely curious how ~1.2 million animal species all fit on a single boat


That’s true, but speciation is also gradual.

Arete there were probably far less species back in Noah’s day than there are now. As genetic mutations built up over time, there would be for example different breeds of dogs and horses due to the build up of mutations.

confused Arete noises

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So it isn’t a stretch that all the kinds of animals were able to fit on Noah’s Ark.

You spit out somebody who has a genetic mutation, doesn’t mean nobody is going to fuck them. If we actually needed a sixth finger, everybody would have a version of Polydactyl. Eventually, the differences in proteins would get to the point where six-fingered humans, so drenched in genetic mutations on having 6 fingers, would not be able to breed with five-fingered humans, because their genetic codes are drifting apart.

Once we get to sexually reproducing complex animals with brains, speciation will happen when the two species stop breeding with each other despite the fact that they technically could.

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Well then we should have seen bacteria not staying as bacteria. Yet no matter how many generations of bacteria are grown in the lab, they stubbornly stay as bacteria.

Once you get to two subspecies that can reproduce but won’t, it’s only a matter of time before within those populations adaptation happens that means the two actually cannot breed, and they are seperate species.

That’s a massive misunderstanding of how this works, though.