Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


this is where i post my cat pics


Oh yeah

I’ll get to see my cats tomorrow


Have my last final later today (should probably get to bed) and then I get to start packing to move out

isn’t it 1 am where u are


Was playing Rainbow Six with the boiz


you have finals

get some sleep

good luck on your finals

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Okay look

It’s my engineering statistics class

I literally have 100.3% in it

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It’s a decently safe bet I’ll walk out of it with 4 A+'s this semester

Let me have a bit of fun after my only hard exam

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ok well

ur prolly gonna be fine

but i’d still reccomend sleep

Planning on it

also because taking long tests when sleep deprived is a terrible fucking feeling


Well exams in college are usually at night and this is no exception so I can still get 8 hours and have plenty of time to study

Also this is literally-died-in-the-Outback boy you’re talking to

I’ll be fine

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Anyway if you’re under 18, don’t be surprised if I don’t give you the benefit of the doubt until proven you’re not a troll. In my book under 18 playing ToL/FoL = troll until proven innocent.

who do you main

this is not a judgement free zone

lol my math quizzes and tests at 10:00 am.
thats when the final will be too i think

well alright then seems like ur fine

but if ur not asleep in an hour im spamming a bright eye-hurting yellow to get you to go to sleep


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hello @forummoderatorswhoarenamedchloeorarete

this dude right here

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