Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

wow ok then


third place at best

you are oppressing like 3 people


rise up

shes a noob

but a cute one

whos better then

memesky? isaac?

hmu after finals are done

On that note, good night


bish do you really think i think that either side of that is only trolls and non-trolls.
like do you know me at all?
i know its a joke i just think you should know how i dont deal in absolutes by now

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Got #1

:thinking: Perhaps.

as far as I know Emilia is not permabanned from any major FM sites, which puts her ahead of … at least four? … people on the forum

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ok well memesky is obviously a legend

but he is just that… a legend.

#2 is… hmm
idk tbh

i’d say isaac

r u thinking like seth or some1?


wait so all i have to do is say some bad words and i can become a top forum troll?

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stop being a noob tbh

Hey im better than some people

okay you’re better than anyone else we’ve queued with i think

Cool so one person

I’ll fuckin take it

four that I know of

I guess I’m not counting people banned from here and maybe I should be ~~although trolling isn’t why most of the perma’d people were perma’d, from what I’ve heard~

okay well

i don’t have many other people to compare you to tbf

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