Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Claims Knight with Italy.
Italy: Knights don’t exist. Hang them!

this already happened in virtuous

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we had flavor for it and everything

im level 47

lol 100 reputation world quests
i am doing quests though
it’s just so sloooow i’m at revered

Wasn’t it an enforcer who got hung though?

i also have to do campaigns and stuff

obviously a false flip
was probably champion

Fair enough. But if something, the proposition to help still stands :eyes:

level doesn’t dictate skill

i’ve seen way too many high level players who just aren’t that great

but they enjoy the game and that’s what really matters

but for my egos sake, im better than them :^)

but it’s a BD game

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skill is better than any gear

sure!! i’ll accept it once i’m finished with quests
there are lots of quests left ngl

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it’s enjoyable tbh even if i get my cheeks clapped

though i can’t hit headshots for shit

the importance of headshots wildly varies depending on who exactly you play

like, they’re obviously always good, but reliably only headshotting isn’t very feasible except for the toppest of top players

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and i may or may not dash into pits or have 0 dmg rounds

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thread has broken and stopped showing new posts for me five times now
i’m not even using comcast

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katze your title is amazing just like you are


stop it im too tired to melt

also yours is better