Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

rather than making the joke you would make here I’m going to conspicuously call attention to the fact that I’m not making it :^)

praise arete for my title not me
arete gave it to me it wasn’t my idea



i played lucio once, started wallrunning and then wallran into a pit

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playing overwatch with me is good comic relief because i’m so bad


i bet derps was bastard second NK hidden by false flip

well there’s two jokes i’d make here

i know which one you’re talking about, though, and i’m not saying you should or shouldn’t do it

but it wouldn’t be unjustified

if i ever get to play overwatch with you, i do hope we get ilios as the map

many pits to fall into

hey i’m decently good at hitting the moving dummies at the practice range does that make me good

just pm me on discord if/when you want to play and maybe i’ll be available

you have it coming but Vul doesn’t

(^only half endorsed)


did you ever read the spreadsheet?


being able to track moving targets is important since people are almost never standing still in that game

being able to track moving targets while you are also moving is also an important skill

and since it sounds like you play tracer(?) it’s basically half of your gameplan to be hard to hit by blinking nyooming around everywhere, which also makes the enemies a bit harder to hit

so tldr: unironically it is a decent start

it’d probably be easier for you to PM me and/or chloe whenever you’re available

but loltimezones

okay i cant argue with that

You should probably still do it, so long as you tell Vulgard to not look.
Make kat suffer as he made us suffer before.

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All evils voted up Derps. Only EVO got hung.

you’d have to try a lot harder to make me suffer

Luckily for you I’m busy with something else at present.

the best thing is the 300 iq widowmaker shots where i get headshot just after blinking because the player perfectly predicted where i would end up after blinking

also aren’t we part of different servers

iirc you can just login to the NA servers (or i could login to the EU servers) and play?

it’s not like WoW where you’re server locked (or something) i believe

one sec lemme ask someone who i know would know

In WoW you are region locked. The “server” lock allows you to play together as long as you are on the same region, but you cannot trade or join guilds from other servers (unless they are specifically connected servers but that’s specified on the site).