Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

in reality 99% of comments are just “i’m a lonely girl here’s my snap”

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we are of course talking about facebook



Wait wrong site

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fuck facebook

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:newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll:

idk if that’s exactly legal on that site

deep down you think it’s funny, otherwise you wouldn’t have named yourself wolf :eyes:

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I feel somewhat blessed knowing that I’m in the minority that never had facebook/twitter/whatever accounts, so I don’t have my teenage cringe stored anywhere online.

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I named myself Wolf because I was hoping to get a Hunter

what sound does a wolf make

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But looking at 2012 middle school instagram pics is so fun

“I’m going to kill you the moment I get out of your jail cell”

i don’t have facebook or twitter or snap

haven’t used insta in like forever is the only social media i need


I’m proud of you Marshal.


But reddit

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snapchat is bad
facebook is extra bad
twitter is kind of bad
instagram is pointless imo

i42 forums, though…

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Ah, see, I had a Tumblr, so I managed to specifically immortalize my meticulously-researched bad political opinions.

Also Chloe, bold of you to assume I had school pics.
I deliberately evaded all of them because I was a weird scrub.


