Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i’m gonna need some details like what type you want it to be

and preferrably DM me what kind of setup this is going into so i know what to design it like

or is this not going into a setup and you just want to see what unholy abomination i create


this is nightmare fuel

(yes, that’s a horse with the mouth of a dog)

This came out of nowhere
i would never consider using such a class in a setup designed by me

i still need details though

its class type
what side it’s on

there never will be any
it was a meme bourne out of curiousity from me
nothing more


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i was actually going to create an interesting class that could single handedly destroy scum if played correctly, but is also extremely easy to be rid of


u can still do that

but . . .

i just don’t think i’ll be a part of it

Why do i miss all the good convos when i go to sleep

sad chloe noises


Me bored
lets turbo

Ice Cream Truck is coming around again.

Happiness noises

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What’s everyone’s favorite ice cream/lolly?

moose tracks for ice cream, watermelon for lollipop

Cause feds out

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the party always stops when the police arrive

:frowning: but…


you’re undercover