Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

:nerd: :arrow_right: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf:

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :nerd::nerd::nerd: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf:

:cat: :mailbox: :mailbox: :mailbox: :india:

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high hre i have not been working on a essay on why supports are easily the best class type in tol

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but invests are

how can we lynch someone without a redcheck???


for some reason my mind read this as “the mitochondria is the power house of the cell”


phys and chrono are objectively the best non-prince bd classes

:cat: :arrow_right: :cowboy_hat_face:

:cat: :dagger: :nerd:

Also the very undervalued court wizard

supports are overrated

Investigatives are ironically underrated

okay but counterpoint

we’re allowed to lynch non-redchecked people if they claim Knight, or Maid past D4 (but if they’re BD then we’re throwing)

but arete

if we dont have mechanical evidence someone is fake we might accidentally lynch bd!

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supports in tol are busted af due to feedback

okay but counterpoint


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oh you said tol

yea fol supports are in a good spot

You imply every offensive ever doesn’t just try and be king for some reason :sunglasses:

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oh you’re right I’m so sorry I forgot

I don’t want to be a toxic forumer who lynches someone with no lead

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yes i do enjoy serving as a pseudo invest

:waffle: :haircut_woman: :a: :t_rex: :i42: :face_vomiting: :t_rex: :haircut_woman: :email: :sa: :t_rex: :rabbit: :a: :t_rex: :email: :gabon: :yarn: :o: :face_vomiting: :jack_o_lantern: :u5272: :sa: :t_rex: :u5272: :sa: :i42: :nail_care: :gabon: :t_rex: :haircut_woman: :email: :face_vomiting: :i42: :rabbit: :sa: :t_rex: :lab_coat: :email: :t_rex: :t_rex: :email: :rabbit: :o: :face_vomiting: :email: :a: :cactus: :haircut_woman: :email: :m: :o: :jack_o_lantern: :i42: :i42: :face_vomiting: :o: :u5272: :nail_care: :dagger:?

fucking toxic forumers

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