Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Viscount should probably be higher

D1 Headhunter

What a meme

Would Senex actually claim D1 though given the “reveal as Senex” ability

if Viscount were in ToL there would be fights about ‘you should King the Viscount because neuts in’ versus ‘it is actively mechanically bad to do so’

Reveal D1 because lol

I guess technically the meta might be to reveal as Senex D1 :^)

Necromancer and Begrudged are obvious :eyes:

Insurgent D1 would just be banking on Evil Emperor

Stop mindmeld

add an IC to ToL

and make them a neighborizer

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Also mass claim meta in HoB would be weird because of Arbiter being macho

YOU ARE EK :joy_cat:


:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:


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Just have the Jailkeeper target them every night

Evil Emperor:

Assassin’s Brotherhood the Insurgent

the Arbiter is more macho than that

all kills on the arbiter will bypass occupation and redirection

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Wait it’d even die through jail?


The Arbiter fucking dies if a mosquito bites them

Hand of Byzantium III was a pretty good meme

Just imagining the HoB trying to mass claim whilst not outting the Arbiter

HoB IV when :sunglasses: