Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

shut up morgana

you are an outlier when it comes to neutrals

Now guess which class I was

probably a PR

katze from the GI thread.

i skimmed the turbos you guys played overnight and lmao looks like village can’t win even in turbos

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we’re hopeless

to be fair ‘Grand Idea Turbo that starts at 7v2 and has conversion’ is not exactly a central case of ability-to-play


they were all arguably scumsided

the one i hosted was a 9p with 2f1 + conversion lmao

Just make setups more villagesided smh.

who made that
can i bonk them


i copied what wazza wrote, blame him

but you’re still allowed to bonk me, vulgard :eyes:

the one i played in was 2 scum + EK tho

and town still woulda won if italy just didn’t play :angry:

7v2 without conversion or 8v1 with conversion
the latter is more swingy so i’d run the first one probably

Hmm yes.

well Warden should count as PR i guess?

Usually when I play FoL games, I prefer FoL to be as late as possible so there is discussion time not wasted.

throwback to when katze said they would roll a king and forgot to roll a king

thus forcing katze to allow a 9th person in last second to give them king

this is perfect hosting

CRichard564 are you CRich10 on Town of Salem?