Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


inb4 scum lynched D1

Cool, so I just send a random person a friend request.

exactly the problem

It would’ve been in the first one if people listened to me, smh.

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maybe tomorrow ill try to host a 7v2 with no conversion and non-guaranteed king

what would a good 7p setup be tho

5v2 i guess lol

8v1 but the wolf is Sauron
actually that would be quite balanced

Grande Idea is inherently swingy because you have things like ‘PR that can detect how many town were on a wagon’ and ‘Sauron’ but also ‘town class that has to scumclaim if asked for a claim’ and ‘Mafia that automatically dies in place of the first player to die’


you also have the most fun class ever
the one that gives you dayvigs if you bus your teammates

okay but they also completely avoided this for all of D1, then got lynched D2 :sunglasses:

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how many people do we have around right now

I don’t particularly like playing in turbos but hosting them is fine, and I know a couple of almost balanced smaller set-ups

grand idea is fun as long as the classes in it aren’t dumbass design

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some of mine are dumbass design but i got better at this over time

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hosting turbos might be fun

cause im prone to fucking up

We have at least 3.


callback to when derps rolled a neut in GI turbo which was immune to everything including lynch

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just… no

i rolled this neutral twice while rolling

but the setup had no neuts