Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Technically N was the first to do it but he ran out of ideas

The Chancellor can make me his protégé any night.

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to be fair there’s not as many options for cult names


Hence I either stole them or made them up :sunglasses:

Western bacon cheeseburger >

How am i not overweight

imagine having the physical capability to gain weight

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Frick I had to draw this animal barely anybody even knows exists.

what where your other options btw

Porto and some confederation thing.

Like “Confederation of 19XX”

How tf was I supposed to draw that?

Aroot, why do you keep reading all posts you miss in Cookie Thread?
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Also, who is @arete2?

arete 2

sometimes they’re interesting


You’ve barely slept 7 hours again.

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you sleep 7 hours?



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What are you apologizing for, I should be the one to apologize.