Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Is it just me or did you go to sleep really late?

why sleep

Because all living beings need sleep.

You have nothing to apologize for, Ans, I could in theory have chosen to go to sleep at any time.

but by not getting enough sleep I’m worrying you and I don’t want you to feel like you have to worry about me :eyes:

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@Arete i have bad news


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are you saying that no one on this forum is alive?

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Can I worry about you instead?

How do I make you fix your sleeping schedule.
Also you two are stuck with toxic green names.

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Everyone on this forum has slept within the last 3 days. (Or at least I really fricking hope so.)

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Green good.


Uhh… okay…?

italy can get through a day on 3 hours of sleep but sleeps for 14 hours anyways


it needed to be spread

Hey anstreim I got a reviewer :eyes:

I mean, it didn’t, but you’re entitled to your opinion, even if it’s blatantly incorrect.

@Arete git gud sleep schedule.

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its glorious wym