Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

luxy said no
but luxy isn’t mod anymore :eyes:

just the left shift key and nothing else?

Excuse me what.

Yeah it’s interrogation time

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i played it for the plot

that’s specific to say the least

Yeah just the fuckin left shift key

He better have good reason
Maybe he wants to like
Compare shift keys?
Fuck if i know

Be the judge you are

haha no anime

Oh he was just being a dick

Makes sense


you have to refresh every 2 seconds
I don’t.
This indicates it isn’t wholly a problem on discourses end

Kill him


On it

… run before kat steals your right shift key as well

thing is
broken lines is fucked up in different ways
but huniepop is just hentai candy crush

open thread



I knew he was being shifty


Oh god I just realised that DEW IT means do it.

Purge this entire thread, Firekitten.