Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

and yes
it’s a normal hour for me to wake up on weekdays since i just go to work

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Hamilton has a good soundtrack btw


:b:ulgard ama
ask me questions about irl and i will answer to the best of my ability


hard agree

love that music

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That makes sense.
Belated good morning, then.

not very alien aliens

they had an alien caste system and they all really wanted children and they had a few very strong taboos

this makes it sound really dumb, it actually created a bunch of Interesting Ways for our aliens to be Interestingly Wrong

favorite english word

and favorite polish word

Vul what is your favorite genre of music


This sounds awesome though.

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what do you do for your job? I don’t think you’ve ever actually told me :eyes:

vulgard whats your opinion on chleb

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Okay mindmeld much

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Alexander Hamilton
My name is Alexander Hamilton
And there’s a million things I haven’t done
but yo mama ain’t one of em

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also this thread is now in Vulgard AMA mode


because it’s funny
and kurwa
because it’s universal
kiełbasa is also super funny because of how it sounds

i’m not even joking


i work at a cctv company
i’m basically a clerk, i do a little bit of everything but mostly work on my pc answering questions and handling online sales + contact with companies we import from

chleb good


But just you wait

it meant that they had a significant population problem, which they solved with … varying methods, all of which involved tight legal restrictions designed to force them to remain at replacement rate

for the record 1-per plus auctions is clearly the superior system, Voan and 2-per countries both need to recognize that, and obviously the Imperial system is absurd even if it works on paper

i had to quickedit bc i wrote the wrong thing in one of the answers im sorry

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