Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:
:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat::joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat::joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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i don’t get it

you’re the one being boxed in

i am not in a box

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are you sure :eyes:


That’s the method to this madness
FM is stressful and often not worth the time investment given the disappointment that often comes from having your team not back you up

However, it encourages team building strategies and requires that you be able to explain reasoning effectively in order to convince the other players of your cause (in case of town or scum tbh)
It’s useful
But is it fun

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Yes you are. I have proof.


don’t leak those pictures im clearly not dressed

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Wait, so this isn’t you? Looks a lot like you.

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I’m inclined to question the mental impacts fm has on people and their ability to interact with other people outside of the game in question

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yeah but if you don’t post as scum then you can’t say you invested in any time

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That’s probably the reason ToL is so much easier to me, because I can shout my way over others and use my semi-competence with mechanics to lead my faction into a win.
In FM’s everything is just so muddled. I know that its more of a ‘team’ game and an exercise in cooperation, but I just don’t see it being fun.
I only see it being stressful and like you said, disappointing when no one considers your words.

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What do you mean? I can interact just fine.

I mean I do occasionally ask what their actions are but that’s normal, right? Right!?
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closed games > open games

As it has a high learning curve, it would not be unreasonable to assume that players who are more invested in fm and are “good” should be able to come up with argumentative points relatively easily even for things they aren’t sure they like, mirroring fm where you may very well need to do that

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Additionally, is fm at all like mafia
I’d be inclined to say no given that communities are built around the concept rather than the game servicing the community in the case of mafia

Aka mafia is a game and fm is a core idea of a community

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But lowposting is dumb

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personally my experience is that FM is both stressful and fun, often simultaneously

I don’t know how typical I am

also I’m sorry for not going to bed yet Ans, I was definitely planning on being asleep by now

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Pretend I’m smashing that like button.

Addendum: spamposting is equally dumb.


As long as you don’t stay up until 7 AM again, because I’m going to feel awful.