Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Regal Lions already has nks so uh

why this works well
I don’t know

Regal Lions

That’s their faction color

it would be definite hob win due to how hard it is to kill

Templar could dayvig Arbiter

I don’t think that would actually kill them iirc

N said it would kill the Arbiter

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all members of the unseen are unseen and thus do not appear anywhere in the game and cannot be voted or targeted with night actions

all members of the unseen are unseen and thus cannot vote since the host can’t see their posts


Fix the Frostweaver color you nerd. Make it this or even this.

I mean Darkstalker color makes me want to suicide so it’s fair enough frostweaver is unreadable for light mode users :^)

hey ans can u see this

I can fix darkstalker too.

color=lavender gang rise up

Yes and its a thousand times better than Frostweaver’s current color.

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By the by

In SFoL 61 Frostweaver is a weird shade of green and I hate it

Which means that you all can see the umm… amazing idea frostweaver is soon :sunglasses:

that’s indeed a color

Looks like a cheap HoB knockoff.

I have created a color that I think light themers can read but only barely