Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I thought your setup would mostly follow the official FoL changes for classes that are the same.
In that case yes, Mind Flayer would be glorious.

:eyes: what’s that?

Trust me if I bothered following it I probs would have just replaced Mind Flayer with Darkstalker

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An nk of my own creation

Possibly overpowered

That would be my second answer because anticlaim NKs are godsent.

aaa more new things am excit

Darkstalker is my take on an anticlaim nk basically

theyre both good colors

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It’s not showing up until Regal Lions but still

and no, the Darkstalker does not win if enough people claim

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Kat i thought about you the second i saw those colors


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Katloe Katloe Katloe


Instead any kills on a trueclaiming player are strongman if it notices the claim :^)

if i randomize some stupid NKs will you add them to your setup

i think the one italy rolled was actually really strong

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I already have 5 nks in both my setups not counting psycho king equivalents

okay but

mind flayerdemonsorcerer

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also the Demon makes no sense flavorwise for SFoL 61

if the demon makes no sense, what about this?

[cawwaww=#d23900]the demawn (unawfficiaw cwashsh)[/cawwaww] :shhiewd: :fiwe:

[cawwaww=#d23900]neutwaw kiwwew[/cawwaww]
dwiven (pwashshive) - immune taw death at niwht, awccupwatiawn and tawwet chanwinw. In additiawn nyeawu awe immune taw bweedinw and wiww be infawwmed upwawn beinw bwed.
mindshtawwm (pwashshive) - awnce pwew niwht nyeawu manye wueshsh da pwwanyeew’sh cwashsh name. If nyeawu awe cawwwect nyeawu wiww empwawwew nyeawuw main abiwitnye taw bnyepwashsh pwwawtectiawnsh. Thish pwashshive wiww be dishabwed if nyeawu wueshsh incawwwectwnye twice. Cannawt tawwet de kinw, naww can tawwet de shame pwewshawn aftew da shucceshshfuw wueshsh.
wawkinw bawmb (danye) - pwwace da bawmb awn tawwet pwwanyeew. - infinite ushesh :cwawwn:
funewaw pwnyewe (niwht) - shet nyeawuw tawwet abwaze, kiwwinw them.
detawnate (niwht) - aww pwwanyeewsh with da bawmb active wiww expwwawde bnyepwashshinw death immunitnye. Thish dawesh nawt cawunt ash da vishit. - 2 ushesh :cwawwn:
yawuw awbjective ish taw defeat de bwue dwawawn, and de unsheen.

Not in 1 million years