Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

to be fair if im not sure what gender someone is i either go gender netural or assume they’re a guy

and i’m not contesting any gender accusations

Kyo is no longer DI, wtf Jane nice

Or something like that.

guys arete is here

my notifs are being spammed

good morning/afternoon, arete


You see I have no idea how good of a host I’ll be
But I am hosting 3 SFoLs :eyes:

Everyone on the internet is male unless stated otherwise.

they/them is better

fight me

Just be me and use random pronouns even if you do know their pronoun

Wait, are you adding Chancellor to all of them or just RL?

i mean

i did 90% of the balancing in randomizer

unless you mean, processing actions?

in which case i was a decent part as to why we ruled noble gossip entirely wrong (although it was for the better CMV)

if your setup actually comes and exists at a time i don’t feel like playing i’ll probably offer to cohost it since it’s a faction i love

that’s one way to put it :eyes:

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can we replace any unknown pronouns with kat/katze

arete is like 300 posts up but immediately warps over whenever you say their name


Chancellor isn’t a thing in triple threat virtuous

But it is in the other 2


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Although in SFoL 61 it goes by the Ascetic because
Why is a Cancellor usurping an Archdeacon

That’s all I needed to hear.
Triple threat is going to be a clown fiesta and I’m going to watch it from safe distance.

i have no clue how to do anything in terms of hosting
i could write okay flavor and work on balancing factions
i have an idea on how to make the setup, the flavor, and the sfol name but that’s about it right now

guide host gang

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for a first timer chloe did fairly well so i think you could probably emulate at least 80% of that

i only had to correct her a few times and i think she caught me at least once

regardless it all depends when this happens

i enjoy hosting but i also enjoy playing, and if it’s the imperium i feel obligated to play because seph is best girl

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