Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Me and N will still have fun hosting it though because lmao

Reminding people that there’s no voting on D1 three times in a row even when they were clearly memeing :^)


you’re right

you didn’t correct me once :^)

I remember catching Arete sending incorrect feedback to derps in FoL 27 that would have been :eyes:

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I might actually sign up to spectate it because you two are hosts and its going to be a glorious mess.

also i love you sister

i think i would have disliked hosting with anyone else for my first time doing it

not gunna lie

knowing precisely what youre thinking at all times, and being able to explain my thoughtprocess to someone who knows what im trying to say is really helpful


i have no clue how to rand (it seems super complicated honestly), i might be able to do VCs, i can write flavor, my single brain cell will be overloaded attempting to process all the night actions

chloe: aj9daj9jf9ma9dmwa
katze: oh, that makes sense

based on almost a true story


there were a few new players and i didnt want confusion okay

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I think you could ask N about randing

Arete: votes someone as a meme
Chloe: “There’s no D1 voting ffs”

Do you want me to go and get the precise post? Because I can.

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ans like i said

new players
i said i would do it the first 3 times, to kat
just so they wouldnt be confused when reading up

thats the only reason

italy: rolls neutral killer
italy’s mind:

yeah after i told you it was unnecessary :unamused:

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I can’t wait for when D2 of SFoL 61 arrives and people get confused over the voting mechanic

no >:(

i will find the messages

The voting mechanic is one of the best things in that setup imo.
Well, apart from glorious Cult being the majority.

Side note

The VC will include the voting mechanic because we all know people will forget :upside_down_face: