Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

chloe is this you saying you want to make the setup now too

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I’m honestly baffled that I, as a creator of the PM have no say in removing people.

Chloe/Kat/Italy host team would be memey as hell and I want to see it.



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Why did forums double-post that?

I don’t think I’ve ever done that and people are convinced that I’m a decent player

But Chloe is a Judge.
And a forum Mod.

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i don’t know why this isn’t a thing either?

like, when i hosted FoL26 this was a bit of a problem with mystic/allies chat?

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judges are just guides with hammers

Ans if you add me I can remove them and then myself

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I won’t read it if you don’t want me to

Chloe already did the job because unlike Kat she’s reasonable :^)
But thank you for offering.

Could we like, suggest it somewhere?

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yeah it’s kinda dumb

Ans if you add me Arete can forget to remove me and remove them and themself.

chloe: “im not leaving just to spite you”
kat: “i just want to see if arete can remove chloe”

anstreim: “chloe is the reasonable one here”


Joke’s on you, I get to hang out with system-chan now.
I’ll never forgive myself for typing that filth out.


Jawke’sh awn nyeawu, i wet taw hanw awut with shnyeshtem-chan naww.


not rn because im still depressed from randomizer, but i kinda do want to


this is me quoting chloe in an attempt to further convince you

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Oh and I forgot to post this.