Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


it’ll only be 75% as much of a dumpster fire
25% if we can get a host that knows what they’re doing because let’s be honest i sure as hell don’t

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oh wow, anstreim confessing his love to arete?

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There’s nothing to be depressed about Chloe, you did fine.
Remember what I told you about testing the setup? That’s the whole reason. At least you know that it should be improved now and you can work towards that.


might be tl4? but like

who even has tl4
is that even a thing

i think TL3 is the highest non-moderator TL

but don’t quote me on that

chloe if you want to cohost i will unironically create a setup for a balanced imperium game

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dont mind me

mod with tl2 :^)

TL2 gang assemble.


i mean how else can we test it without actually running it :eyes:

Ansrete! Ansrete! Ansrete!
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i kinda do want to :eyes:

i have basic and member so i think that means TL2

i’m a guide why don’t you trust me reee

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That’s literally what I’ve been telling her and she’s still depressed over it not being flawless on the first try.
And while I can relate to disappointment, I can still recognize that its an absurd expectation.

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but i do have new user of the month

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i mean

i didn’t expect it to go flawlessly but it went a fair bit worse than i was prepared for

but it’s only going uphill from here

or getting axed

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(i actually got a key for free because of this badge, so i get to flex on you non-gamers)

Only XBlade has Trust Level 4.

At least you both did well as hosts, that’s also valuable experience.

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