Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ans do you know me

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Also imagine if I was doing this without having hosted FoL 27

well except the part where we completely ruled how gossip worked incorrectly

which, to be fair, if we ruled it correctly the game woulda been even more of a stomp


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Marshal you are the chosen one.

are you forgetting my boy discobot :triumph:


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Discobot doesn’t have trust level 4.

Probably going to go to bed early since it takes like 5 years to post.

arete if chloe and i created an imperium sfol would you cohost with us so we don’t crash and burn

ToS better have filled by then.

I really want to respond to this but I’m pretty sure any response is going to lead to me being spammed with ‘Ansrete Ansrete’ :eyes:

everybody /out quick

I’d consider it

I’m pretty sure that it would be hosted a while after ToS

i wont

im reformed

chloe we got a maybe
do we do it

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You can always respond to it off-site.

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wait till after champs - also i cant believe im actually considering this

im not