Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I love fm, but I think we talk about it so much that we run out of things to actually talk about in regards to it

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geyde stop making have an existential forum crisis

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forums is probably easier for formatting

Hey, now we are back to talking about FMs and setups.
We’ve completed yet another circle in this endless wheel of insanity and stagnation.

I mean

there is only so much of FM to talk about

Sure astromancer has a 20% chance to even spawn but still :sunglasses:

can we get flavor for the scum concession

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This isn’t hysteria
I’m very much fully aware of what I’m talking about

Also kat I dare you to write flavor for Italy’s setup if you end up hosting it.
No help from Chloe allowed.

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chloe actually wanted to write it when the scum mentioned conceding

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spends three minutes trying to make a good and creative name just for the pm and considering if it’ll be the host chat or if we’ll just create a second PM for that

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that’s the thing
that’s why all these conversations go the exact same way

The flavor is literally Unseen saying “this isn’t worth the time” and leaving.

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am i allowed to write about you and arete in a platonic friends way

if the concession wasnt so damn fast i coulda written a few paragraphs

but then i got flustered trying to think up how to say “the blue dragon wins”

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No because its irrelevant to the setup

“Yeah, we can’t do this anymore.”
just fucking walks away

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but what if i make you two integral to the lore

I don’t have any objections but Ans has objections so no