Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

you’ve been hit by

I said no ):<

fun fact, annie is said 37 times in this song

As he came into the window
It was the sound of a crescendo
He came into her apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet
She ran underneath the table
He could see she was unable
So she ran into the bedroom
She was struck down, it was her doom
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok
Are you ok, sulit
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok
Are you ok, sulit
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok?
Are you ok, sulit?
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok, are you ok sulit?
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok?
Are you ok, sulit?
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok?
Are you ok, sulit?
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok?
Are you ok, sulit?
You’ve been hit by
You’ve been hit by
A smooth criminal
So they came into the outway
It was Sunday, what a black day
Mouth to mouth
Sounding heartbeats, intimidation
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok
Are you ok, sulit
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok
Are you ok, sulit
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok?
Are you ok, sulit?
sulit, are you ok?
So, sulit are you ok, are you ok sulit?
(You’ve been struck by
A smooth criminal)
Okay, I want everybody to clear
The area right now!
I don’t know!
(Will you tell us that you’re ok?)
I don’t know!
(There’s a sign in the window)
I don’t know!
(That he struck you, a crescendo sulit)
I don’t know!
(He came into your apartment)
I don’t know!
(Left the bloodstains on the carpet)
I don’t know why baby!
(Then you ran into the bedroom)
I don’t know
(You were struck down)
(It was your doom - sulit!)
Dag gone it, baby!
(Will you tell us that you’re ok?)
Dag gone it, baby!
(There’s a sign in the window)
Dag gone it, baby!
(That he struck you, a crescendo sulit)
(He came into your apartment)
Dag gone it!
(Left the bloodstains on the carpet)
(Then you ran into the bedroom)
(You were struck down)
Dag gone it!
(It was your doom, sulit!)


you’ve been hit by
you’ve been struck by
a smooth criminal
since katze won’t help

i can see the editing symbol
i am the god of knowledge

so can everyone else

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kat learned “quality shitpost”
but he already knows 4 moves, would you like to make him forget one?



definitely didn’t hit tab, causing me to post early

what 4 moves do i know

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Oh hey Aersoldorf is in the champs

I didn’t know he played mafia

quickedit quality shitpost, host, cursed game and call italy a catgirl




it was super effective

questions about creating a game

if i force people to join day 3 instead of day 1
is that bad

and what if I make such roles voluntary

I mean as long as they know that going in and are fine with it, I see no real issues

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At least like… player morale-wise

Balance might be difficult but it depends on what you are going for

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I’m lost so I’m tempted to agree

ignore please
I clearly know what princess bride is

they all thought i was joking