well i mean. that depends on how hard you scratched.
like in one sense a scratch can actually cause pain. in another sense scratching is just something to mildly alleviate itchiness
my eyes are literally melting as we speak
it’s not serious but it has actually left a mark on my skin
it quotes the exact contents of what someone else posted, as opposed to just the text. this includes colors tags and all kinds of fancy things, the exact text as typed in the box, rather than as seen. this allows you to see anything they could have done to modify their post
my eyes are fine.
because im not weak like you
also i have a thing where bright text on a dark screen is difficult to read
you know this would have been the perfect post to have hidden text to prove a point
discord light theme is bad but forum light theme is just Okay™. like, I like all three themes???
I do access the forums on quite a large screen most of the time, so maybe that’s part of it?
i mean my monitor has high saturation so light mode is even worse for me than it is for others
with that said i never use light mode for anything if i can avoid it
I disagree
okay so can we please stop the “flexing on light mode users” meme
it was funny a few years ago but not any more
Maybe forum light mode is affecting me, but I don’t find Discord light theme to be that atrocious anymore. Sure, it’s bad but it’s also tolerable.
The thought scares me.
well that’s silly
honestly I’d believe it.
no because being original and/or funny is more effort than rehashing the same jokes 100 times
i also despise light mode
dont leak our dms
Well maybe i like to be silly some times
oh yeah also rolecards look better on Light Theme
Be glad I didn’t leak what is under that spoiler :^)
ill concede that some FoL classcards have bad colors for darkmode
Don’t worry, there are select few that look atrocious in light mode too.