Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

yet another reason to remove nk

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whos idea was it to make PK rainbow

i love rainbow but this does not look good

shit i think there’s about a 20% chance it was me

there’s a 20% chance i wanna whack you with a newspaper

Probably Alfa’s seeing as its her topic but I very much agree.
I hate needless coloring in NK’s class cards. I mean, I understand that it’s easier to distinguish them but I feel like it wouldn’t make it much harder if they were just colorless.

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psycopathic king was added somewhere around the time i joined the forums

it was actually a thing in FoL long before it was in ToL, actually, so that’s a thing

Wasn’t that added shortly before (or after) PK was added to ToL?

doing a bit of detective work

i don’t think alfa was even on the forums anymore when PK classcard was a thing

wait nvm neutrals and neutral killers used to share the same post in the class card thread

But she was around in 2018 and PK was added to ToL in late 2017/early 2018.
She would’ve definitely been around.

the very first version of the classcard was rainbow already so i retract my prior statement

i blame icibalus though since he gave me an excuse to do so

It’s because all of the NKs are combined.

i get why

but it’s a mild abomination moreso on lightmode but i don’t think it looks great on dark either

Also, why are you still awake?

im legally not allowed to sleep until people ask me why i haven’t

Why haven’t you gone to sleep yet?

because it’s only 7:20AM

Your minutes are off.

That’s like entirely too late.

Go to sleep!

minutes are a construct made up by the king to oppress lower class members of the blue dragon

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