Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

italy #33 is asleep right now, this is italy #76


What about Italy#24?

rest in peace italy #24

crushed by a falling boulder

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i can only be insane
or a supernatural being who can create clones of himself

how many italy clones have died to boulders or falling

and how many are catgirls

more than there should

Every. Single. One.

Why genetically engineer catgirls when you have one that can clone itself infinitely

“catgirl in a plague doctor outfit” is at least one person’s mental image of me
and that’s kinda worrying

My mental image of you is none because I don’t have those.

im not “still awake”
i have awoken. as in i went to sleep, and woke up at 4:30 am like 3 hours ago

im honestly pretty happy about it.

nah that just means you can see other perspectives. a useful skill, one facet of it is to be able to debate both sides of an issue within yourself to come to a solution


a game where italy is every single player, scum and town and spends two weeks doing nothing but arguing with himself about how italy, italy and italy are OBVIOUSLY the scumteam

:eyes: Scumtown theatre

…okay i dont do that though thats weird

fm: italy finally goes insane

where does the italy hates knights thing even come from???

the fact that i know knights aren’t real